How are you feeling about life right now? How we live, manage, thrive, is all about our relationship with what’s happening, both around us and within us. Mindfulness can help. Practising mindfulness – living mindfully – means living with more kindness, more calm, more clarity: living more wisely.
We probably all have moments where this just seems to happen. You feel that more of you is “here and now” – more present in the present moment. We can cope with difficulties more readily, and enjoy living more vividly. We feel more resourced, more resilient. We have more perspective. With practice, we can bring this quality of experience into more of our moments, more of our life. Learn more about mindfulness here.
Through my teaching and training, I have been supporting people to live more mindfully for over 25 years, running introductory courses and classes in mindfulness, guiding those with some experience, and supervising other mindfulness teachers. You can learn more about me – Mark Bowden – here.
However, over the past several years, living with a long-term medical condition (acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma) has become increasingly limiting for me. As a result, I’ve reluctantly had to decide to let go of teaching and guiding public mindfulness events for the time being. There is the possibility that this situation will change. If you would like to be kept in touch, contact me at or join my mailing list here.
Meanwhile, some suggestions for other ways to learn mindfulness are listed here. And you can listen to some of my recorded guided mindfulness practices here. (I hope to add more recordings soon.)
Mark Bowden (BA, PGCE) began teaching meditation and yoga in the early 1980s and is a former Director of Bristol Buddhist Centre. He has trained in secular Mindfulness with Exeter University, the University of Bangor and Breathworks, and attends further training and practice events regularly. Mark also supervises mindfulness teachers, is an Associate of Mindfulness Network, and follows the Good Practice Guidelines promoted by the British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches.